Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fire Feast

So I was at SVI this weekend for my first workshop before starting to work there. It was great. SO many great people who are experianced in all manner of interesting skills. From Mushroom growing to building, to grant writing, to cooking and everything in between. We had some excellent sessions. The whole workshop was run on Open Space Technology- which is a great tool for organizing people and projects, can't wait to learn more about it. The workshop will hopefully be availible on podcast soon and I will post links. One interesting thing we did was celebrate Fire Feast at the end. Seemed appropriate considering the ocassion was a visioning workshop and we are planning the year.

Fire Feast or Imbolc or Bridget’s Feast or Candlemas or Ground Hogs’ Day is Feb 4th this year.
Falling half way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, Fire Feast is considered a predictor day for the year. What you do, what you discuss, who you see on this day predicts your year. Fire Feast hails the end of winter.
(sure beats having a ground hog telling you when its over.)

So my intentions for the year are pretty simple. The grand plan is to learn how to build some things out of stuff around me, and feed myself out of whatever comes out of our yard at SVI. And to help out with some kids in the city of Chattanooga learn to garden etc. Cameron and I also want to find land and start getting sorted with our homestead.

Specific tasks surrounding this are:

  • Planting two large gardens at SVI with one other person.

  • Learning some building, cobbing techniques- first project: to build a solar shower/ compost toilet for the bungalows maybe up at SVI if they agree.

  • Learning lots of food prep/preservation skills.

  • making a worm bin. (if it works, making a second for the community center in Chatanooga with a friend)

  • Working with the kids from a community center to build a community garden.

  • Learning all about grant writing.

  • Making some art to sell at craft fairs or Etsy. (pyrography of useful things.)

  • Organizing a large workshop called Food for Life with SVI.

  • Going to Haiti on an exchange program for 10 days. (fundraising for it)

  • Finding land for a home.

I will be sharing pictures & stories of this process for the following year.

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